The Majestic 6 foot Fire Churn installed at the Erti Suli Gathering (at the start of May.) It worked beautifully, even better than I had ever envisaged with no practice runs! The many hours of researching, dreaming into it, finding the materials, preparing the materials and building and experimenting paid off! I was very very pleased with its inaugural churning. It was used as part of a ceremony so there are no photos or videos but maybe stories will be told :) It was a dozen or so children who enthusiastically pulled on each end of the rope to welcome the embryonic fire out of the mother hearth. We then collectively breathed into the ember to welcome the new pure fire! Despite its size, it worked beautifully.
This is an authentic honouring way to communally welcome in the ancestral fire, based on an old way which ceased 200 years ago-ish; used in times of distress and at auspicious times such as Beltane and Samhain. Read more about the fire churns here. For those interested in the practicalities, the 6foot spindle is made of an Ash tree trunk and the hearth is Hazel; the bearing log is Holly; 20meters of 12mm sisal rope was wrapped around multiple times. A piece of bark was used for the tinder tray. The Ash shavings created from making the spindle were used as the tinder. Oh and the ember was jubilantly huge! If you are planning a fire at Beltane or Samhain (or even as part of any Heathen\Pagan ritual) then consider doing it the proper "heathen" way of Tein'-éigin, Neid fire, Notfeuer, Nodfyr, Nedfres, Nedfri as seen in this video :) For some musical accompaniment you could go with the haunting German folk song Notfeur by Belborn ( ) or the black metal track Nauthiz Notfeuer by Nahtrunar ( ) So roll out your fire churn (this may be the only one in England :) ), site it on a knoll or between 2 streams,extinguish all fires and lights in the neighbourhood, round up 9 by 9 first-begotten sons, get our your oak auger and log,churn the fire, welcome in the ember, feed with tinder and breath, praise the fire,build it up, make offerings,make it smoky, then everyone including livestock walk through the smoke and jump through the fire to purify, and relight all other fires from the new pure fire... |
November 2024